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Our Mission

To see young people—no matter what their field of endeavour— released into the Harvest to fulfil the mandate of Jesus to change the world and make disciples of all nations, in order to see Christ’s great kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.


Our Mission in Action

To achieve this, Christians must get beyond the narrow box that separates secular and spiritual authority in the world and take their God ordained places on the mountains of cultural influences that form and shape nations, which are—Church and Family, Government and Law, Education, Media, Arts and Entertainment, Education, Finances, Marketplace and Business, Architecture and Engineering, Science, Medicine, Invention and Discovery. God intended for Christians to have rulership in the world, but most of us have given up our rightful places of authority.  Someone will influence and take the authority in these areas. You decide who it will be.  


Our Mission, God’s Vision

God wants His children to be co-labourers with Him. Without God, we can do nothing, and without people God will do nothing.  As Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, states in his book, Dreaming with God, “Dreamers!  Come!  Let’s dream together and write the story of human history. You are God’s idea, and He longs to see the treasure that is in your heart.”!



Our God is a generational and intentional God.   Psalm 78 : 4 to 7   says: ………... ”to teach their children;  that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn and rise up and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep His commandments”.

As you read these words take the blessing that you are the Generation called by God for such a time as this.  Dream the dreams of the Father who will endue you with power from on high as you wait on Him and worship Him believing that what He has already said, He will do.  All that separates you from the mighty men and women of faith who have gone before you, is the willingness to believe that if He said it He will do it.




God is not looking for a religious people.  He is looking for those who will dare to believe that if He has said it He will do it.  For He is the mighty God, author and finisher of the generations who longs to fulfil His master plan.  Will you take up the baton leaving a legacy of Holy Fire in the earth and ushering in the consummation of the ages?


One young person has written about how she feels about Aglow, and what it would like to live in "an Aglow world". To read her thoughts, click here.




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