What is 21st Century GameChangers?
21st Century GameChangers is a powerful, personal development program designed to help you see yourself as God sees you. Developed for Aglow International by Graham Cooke, it is designed to kill negativity stone dead, and will cause you to experience life out of a place of fullness and abundance.
Problems can leave us feeling hopeless and without a future. Learn how to change the way you see and shift problems into possibilities.
See yourself as God sees you and others as God sees them!
What does a GameChanger look like?
A person who can bring the power, favour, light of heaven into
Bringing the fruit of the spirit, bringing focus, clarity and anointing to
breakthrough in any situation. Isn’t this what the world needs? A shift means learning a different language, a different perspective a different mindset to walk in the full truth of who God is for us and in us.
Being renewed constantly in the spirit of our mind (Having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude) and put on the new nature created in God’s image, therefore reject falsity and being done with it, let everyone express the truth with his neighbour for we are all part of the same body. Ephesians 4:23 – 25.
Let us be Aglow and burning with zeal to see our personal promised land attained, not satisfied to leave it for another. Let us be the whole body functioning together each knowing it’s part. It’s not too late, God has so much more for all of us.
Sara was called Mother of nations long before she had a child. Abraham was Father of many nations when he had no children. Both well past what seemed possible.
Gideon was seen as a mighty man of valour when he felt like the least of the least. That’s just three, God came and interrupted their day to day life and said this is how I see you, this is how you are known in heaven. I know the plan and destiny I have for you, ask me what it is and let’s go on this journey together.
Discovering your unique part in this body and confidently walk in it. To fulfil our unique call in this ministry of Aglow International Australia and be part of seeing every heart touched and every nation changed for His sake.
Be a 21st century Game Changer.
21st Century Game Changers is a journey of discovery that our God is a loving Father who is well pleased with me regardless of where I am on the journey. I might say yes I know God loves me, but deep inside is the little nagging thought that even though he loves me I don’t quite measure up. As we go through this discovery we become aware of lies we have believed and which distort our lens.
Our Father is never impatient with us, waiting for us to get it together, he knows why some things take longer and are harder for us. He loves us and will never leave us, always intentional and focused to see us made whole.
Your relationship with God will come alive in a way you have never experienced. You will be thrilled as you hear your conversations change and you begin to speak out loud what is spoken in heaven, encouraging one another.
Testimonies from GameChangers

"This was our first GameChangers meeting and we only got through the welcome page. We were sharing about life events that shape our perceptions of ourselves from an early age. I said I had been bullied at school and as a result never really lived to my full potential.
I was surprised that came out of my mouth, - I had a hard time at school particularly with the head mistress but I never thought of it as bullying until now. As I sat quietly through the meeting the Holy Spirit started talking to me about it and how those events shaped my thinking. I see now why I have always been afraid to try something new for fear of failing.
Now I’m aware of why I think like that and I can now remind myself that’s not how God sees me and start doing the things I’m afraid of. And that was only the welcome page!" - Sheila
"Two years ago, I was deep in depression, shame and guilt. I was hearing lies that my life was over, too old now anyway. I thought I had done well in the past and that was going to have to be enough. Then I was invited to leaders summit and we were presented with Game Changers.
As I started to read it God came and spoke hope and restoration to me. He gave me joy for mourning, He removed my shame and guilt and gave me honour and redeemed my life. That’s why I’m passionate about this resource, I know what it’s done for me and I know we can all benefit from it. This is what I love personally. Learning to recognise the lies that the enemy whispers to me to frighten me. I don’t try to ignore them anymore but I ask my Father, what does He say about that? Who does He want to be for me in that situation. I’m learning to find which fruit of the spirit is missing in this situation and then grabbing hold of it and speaking it out. It’s ongoing, a process, sometimes I forget but then Holy spirit reminds me and I know it’s a journey we are on together and I’m getting better at it." - Riekie, GameChangers Leader

- Melinda, after watching the DVD of the first session
How do I become a GameChanger?
GameChanger groups meet all over Australia. If you would like to begin the journey to become a GameChanger, or if you would like more information, contact an Aglow Branch near you.
Join the Conversation!
Are you already a GameChanger or interested in connecting with other GameChangers? Join our group on Facebook and be encouraged